It depends on the size and scope of your project. Click here or call us at (714) 928-9494 and we can give you an estimated timeframe.
Cool Shades Painting accepts cash, check and credit cards.
We do our best to return all calls and quote requests within one business day. At that time, we will let you know our current volume and an estimated project start date.
Yes! Cool Shades is fully insured, so you will never be liable if a worker is hurt or your home is damaged.
(Note: If a contractor does not have insurance coverage or has discontinued his policy, you would be next in line to pay for a worker’s injuries and/or disabilities that occurred on your property. It is crucial that you only use contractors who have worker’s compensation policies in place.)
We maintain a crew of 5-6 licensed and experienced painters. We prefer to keep a smaller team, as it keeps everyone busy and motivated to finish the job quickly. At Cool Shades Painting, we don’t believe in wasting time!
All our painters are licensed and experienced painters. At least 80% are journeymen, meaning they have completed an apprenticeship and are fully educated and experienced in the trade.
Cool Shades will perform any sanding, patching, priming, and caulking that needs to be done before we begin painting. And we’ll go out of our way to make sure that every bit of your furniture and belongings are protected.
This decision is all about your comfort level. Some customers give us the garage door opener or front door key and let us come and go as we need. Other customers do not want any work done while they are not present. Whatever your preference, we will work within your guidelines.
VOC stands for “volatile organic compound” and refers to the chemicals that are off-gassed into the environment as part of the drying process.
Many VOCs can be toxic and have a bad odor, so the government has limited the types and amounts that can be used in paints. Some examples are paint thinner, mineral spirits, alcohol, gasoline, ethylene glycol, acetone and xylol. Most architectural paints contain some VOCs.
Cool Shades uses low or no-VOC paints on every job. These durable paints are cost-effective and safe for your home or business – as well as easy on the environment.
While we do not stain cabinets, we are happy to paint them! We do, however, stain front doors, gates and handrails – quite beautifully, if we may say so ourselves.
We are pleased to provide these additional services:
No, but it is important to have any loose, peeling, cracking, or degraded paint removed before painting.
If you want specific areas like entryways or front doors stripped of old paint, please let us know before work begins. (Keep in mind that this type of “restoration” can become expensive.)
Yes, we can give you several references in your area.